About me

I am a linguist currently working at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. My research interests include historical linguistics, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics and construction grammar, first language acquisition, multilingualism, and language evolution research. Here you can find an overview of my work as well as selected materials (e.g., teaching materials and the data my empirical work is based on).

Some current projects

  • Morphology Materializing: Morpheme forms and bondaries in spontaneously written language. This project investigates the influence of mporphological boundaries on written language. (Collaborator: Kristian Berg, University of Bonn; funded by the German Research Foundation [DFG]).
  • German future constructions: How is future reference encoded in historical and present-day German? (Collaborator: Lena Schnee, HHU Düsseldorf; funded by the German Research Foundation [DFG])
  • Constructional patterns in multilingual first language acquisition: How can constructional patterns account for code-mixing phenomena in the early language use of bilinguals? (Collaborators: Verena Dederer and Nikolas Koch, LMU Munich, Antje Endesfelder Quick, University of Leipzig; funded by the German Research Foundation [DFG])
  • Language contact phenomena in multilingual first language acquisition (LaCoLA): In this DFG-funded scientific network, we discuss ways of investigating multilingual first language acquisition from a usage-based perspective, and we join forces to create widely re-usable corpus resources for the linguistic community.
  • Extremist narratives: In the context of the EU-funded ARENAS project, we investigate how extremist narratives manifest linguistically. (Collaborators: Ana Yara Postigo Fuentes, Rolf Kailuweit, Alexander Ziem, HHU Düsseldorf)